How to Make Sharing Hotspot Using Windows 8.1

How to Make Sharing Hotspot Using Windows 8.1

How to Make Sharing Hotspot Using Windows 8 and 8.1. As the development of technology and the Internet makes almost most people have more than one mobile device or gadget. If you are in a public place a lot of free wifi that we can use, but troublesome is when you're at home we have 3-4 more gadgets and must 'meghidupi' them with an internet connection. While the needs of most people are usually at home online using a modem, cable Internet subscription or RT / RW Net. Do we have to buy a package of data to all our gadgets? Or buy a Access Point / Wireless Router for home? The answer is relative, according to the needs and abilities of each bag.But to 'save' monthly internet fee every gadget at home, we can use a home internet connection (modem / LAN) and a computer / laptop (windows vista / 7/8) as virtual wifi.Many ways to make computer / laptop as a virtual wifi, among other Connectify, Ad-Hoc, Wireless Hosted Network. Connectify is for additional applications which must be installed to create a virtual wiifi, the drawback is that the software is paid. While Ad-Hoc is an innate feature of Windows Vista / 7 for connection sharing, the drawback is Ad-Hoc only support for Windows Vista / 7.Wireless Hosted Network comprise the innate facility provided by Windows such as Ad-Hoc and support for Windows 8 and 8.1.

  •     Computer / laptop that has a Wireless Adapter
  •     Internet connection (Modem / LAN)

How to Create a Wireless Hosted Network (Virtual Wifi)Open the Windows command prompt (CMD) run as Administrator
Compatible check Virtual WifiMake sure we support the Wireless Adapter to create a Virtual Wifi.

netsh wlan show drivers

Start Hosted Network

Internet Connection Sharing to Virtual Wifi
Open Network and Sharing Center> Change adapter settings, appears a virtual new adapter that we created earlier with the name of Local Area Connection * 13 (each computer / laptop can be different name / number), right-click Properties> TCP / IPv4 input ip local address (eg click OK.

                                                               Virtual WLAN
 Local Ip Address

 Still in the Network and Sharing Center, select the internet connection used (eg LAN), right click properties select the Sharing tab, checklist on the Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection, on the Home networking connection select the Virtual Adapter that was created earlier , Local Area Connection * 13, click OK.

Internet Connection Sharing

Testing Virtual Wifi
Here I use android smartphone for testing, appear SSID name rianlab, connect> enter the password that was created earlier> connected. 

Wireless Android Smartphone

Check the client is connected to the computer / laptop

     netsh wlan show hostednetwork

 Show Hosted Network

ones shows that there are clients that are connected to the Virtual Wifi. Conclusion Virtual Wifi is able to accommodate up to 100 client to authenticate using WPA2-Personal, so it is quite safe.
** Update
Because based on the command line, then each time the computer / laptop is off or restart command must be run again, quite live typing netsh wlan start hostednetwork without having to create it again from scratch.

Thank to :

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